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Please Hold in the Light
January 2025

International Days and major international conferences reflect a growing sense that we are part of One Humanity and One Life. On these occasions there is a special opportunity to serve in the creation of a world that reflects this spirit of Oneness in all its diversity.
As meditators we can symbolically stand together with all those actively working to create right human relations, and invoke the aid of the Forces of Light in support of these events.

Sustainable Development Goals & Climate Change 
These International Days and events reflect important themes in the mobilization of energies to:
  • Build right relations in the world by addressing serious problems of poverty, inequality and climate change through practical actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030
  • engaging people of goodwill all over the world in a common movement.
2025 United Nations International Years
Silence at the United Nations

The Spiritual Caucus at the United Nations gathers subjectively and online(September - June) on the third Thursday every month for 30 minutes of silence followed by 30 minutes of dialogue, sharing insights and exploring ways to use an inner focus in service of the work of the UN.
On the first Thursday of the month, from October to June, Caucus members and others gather in the Meditation Room at the UN HQ in New York, from 12:30 – 1:00 pm. We spend 10-30 minutes in silence together, followed by optional conversation in the nearby cafe afterwards. Please link in from wherever you are. More information at:

In January you are invited to gather in the UN Meditation Room for 10 - 30 minutes from 12.30 on January 2, and to join an online virtual gathering, including 30 minutes of silence, on Thursday, January 16, from 2.00- 3.15 pm EDT with a particular focus on supporting the UN. Write for details to

January Please Hold These Events in the Light

January 1 - 7
7 Days of Rest & Reweaving Wholeness

7 Days of Rest, January 1-7, is an annual, open co-creative event dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. All are invited to enjoy the rich array of offerings, including wisdom teachings, meditations, music, inspirations and more, that are generously offered by the global community.
The 7 Days of Rest event is inspired by the recognition of the extraordinary healing and restorative power of Rest. Learning and returning to Nature's ways of rest is seen as one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, our communities, Mother Earth, and the entire community of Life. ... As we attune together to the frequency of Rest, we support a collective release of that which is not in service of Life. In re-turning to rest, we enable a profound re-calibration with nature's primordial rhythms and regenerative intelligence.

January 4
World Braille Day

World Braille Day is celebrated by the UN every year on January 4 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Louis Braille, who was born on January 4, 1809, in Coupvray, France.He founded the Braille Code in 1824. The World Health Organization estimates that globally, at least 1 billion people have a near or distance vision impairment that could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed. ... The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted in 2006, has advanced the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. The Convention considers Braille essential for education, freedom of expression and opinion, access to information and social inclusion.

January 13
Full Moon — Capricorn

Since ancient times human beings have honored the full moon as a time when the sacred is most accesible. It is a time of light — the moon reflects the light of the sun onto the face of the earth. In astrology this is a time when the qualities and potentials of the zodiacal sign of the sun are especially available to humanity for use in service.
During the full moon religious and esoteric groups around the world use the opportunities of this time to vizualize light and love and spiritual power flowing into humanity and strengthening all that is being done to help prepare the way for a world of unity, justice and peace; a world in which the Sustainable Development Goals are in process of being achieved.

January 15 - 18
Global Forum for Food & Agriculture, Berlin, Germany

2025 Theme: Farming a Sustainable Bioeconomy
Our global economic system is facing great challenges as it is largely dependent on non-renewable, fossil resources. It uses up finite resources, exacerbates the climate crisis and thus has a drastic impact on global food security. A sustainable, circular bioeconomy can play a key role in the further development towards a sustainable and resilient resource base.
A bio-based economy uses raw materials from agriculture, forestry and aquaculture, as well as organic waste, micro-organisms and insects. The transition towards an increased use of renewable resources therefore not only offers manifold opportunities for development and income generation but can also contribute to achieving 11 of the 17 United Nations‘ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is an international conference on central issues of vital importance for global agricultural and food policies. A large number of events provide an international audience of experts from the worlds of politics, business, science and civil society with an opportunity to address and reach consensus on issues and challenges relating to global agricultural policy and food security.The event includes the Berlin Agriculture Ministers’ Conference, the largest annual gathering of Agriculture Ministers from over 70 states.

January 15 - February 23
Feast for the Soul: A 40-Day Worldwide Spiritual Practice Intensive

Many people look forward to the annual Feast for the Soul - an annual 40-day spiritual practice journey for self-discovery via mindfulness, meditation, and creating community. You can think of it as a personal retreat whereby you commit and immerse yourself in 40 days of spiritual practice from January 15 through February 23. Whether you meditate, dance, paint, practice yoga, or observe another spiritual practice, the Feast is a beautiful way to begin the new year with a more mindful and compassionate way of living. You are invited to join us in whatever way you can.
What nine months does for the embryo
Forty early mornings
Will do for your growing awareness
Jelaluddin Rumi

January 20 - 24
World Economic Forum Summit, Davos, Switzerland

2025 theme: Collaboration for the Intelligent Age
The 2025 meeting will be oriented around five interconnected themtic priorities: Rebuilding trust; Reimagining growth; Investing in people; Safeguarding the planet; Industries in the intelligent age.

January 21
Launch of the International Year of Glaciers' Preservation

2024 Theme: Learning for lasting peace.
To kick off the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025, a high-level launch event will take place on 21 January 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland and online. This launch event aims to raise awareness, stimulate action and attract funding for the further implementation.
The Year, and the newly declared World Day for Glaciers - March 21 - seeks to raise global awareness on the critical role of glaciers, snow and ice in the climate system and the economic, social and environmental impacts of the impending changes in the Earth’s cryosphere.

January 24
International Day of Education

2025 Theme: AI and education: Preserving human agency in a world of automation
This UN Day celebrates the role of education in peace and development and in the building of sustainable and resilient societies. The 2025 theme inspires reflections on the power of education to equip individuals and communities to navigate, understand and influence technological advancement.
UNESCO leads the focus on this Day; particularly through its Futures of Education Initiative which is pioneering efforts to reimagine education in a world of increasing complexity, uncertainty, and precarity.
Futures of Education Initiative

January 26
International Day of Clean Energy

Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7), aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030.
This UN Day marks the date of the establishment of the International Renewable Energy Agemcy (IRENA) in 2009.
Energy lies at the core of a double challenge: leaving no one behind and protecting the Planet. And clean energy is crucial to its solution.

January 27
Holocaust Remembrance Day

2025 Theme: Holocaust Remembrance for Dignity and Human Rights
On this day every year the United Nations commemorates the memory of the victims of the holocaust. Recalling the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations General Assembly, in designating this International Day, affirmed that the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of one third of the Jewish people along with countless members of other minorities, will forever be a warning to all people of the dangers of hatred, bigotry, racism and prejudice.
2025 marks 80 years since the end of World War II. A series of events, including the annual UN Holocaust Memorial ceremony, will be held at UN Headquarters in New York and live-streamed during the period January 17 - April 21.